Controlling your finances is exactly what you need. Your own personal financial advisor governing each every penny you earn. I want to whittle it all down, taking everything down to the basics. Living on bare necessities and edging towards a life of poverty in order to keep up with my financial demands. 98% of any income will come to me. The 2% will be used on bills, bread and beans. I will be budgeting accordingly and you will stick my every demand. Fuck your family, fuck your social life, fuck anything that doesn’t benefit me. I want to get inside, I want to twist and I want to established your priority which is me and my greed.MP4 * 285 MB * 00:09:33 * 1280x720 Jerk off me Watch Online
Date Added: 17 Feb 2020
|00:09:33 min of video
|- Featuring:
- Goddess Jasmine
- Categories: Edging Financial Domination Femdom