Mistress: Goddess Alexandra Snow - Happiness and Slavery 1080p 243.53 Mb


Happiness and Slavery

As men, you've all really fucked yourselves. You all like to imagine yourselves as these dominant creatures. You sense of righteousness in all that you do defines you. Especially when it comes to choosing what women you want to pursue. This system you all fall prey to commands that you pick the demure women, the soft women, the dull women. This leaves you with a craving all your life, you know? You start to hunger for the rough women, the sadistic women, the powerful, beautiful, dominant women. The system men are born and raised in only herds you into my flock. It only leads you into this trap I've created. I've created a world where you can be weak, without being worthless. You can be submissive, without being less-than. You cannot be happy in the world that deems you in control of everything. That power is so overwhelming. You can only be happy in slavery. MP4 * 244 MB * 00:12:21 * 1920x1080 Jerk off me Watch Online

Date Added: 13 Jul 2019


00:12:21 min of video


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