- Memory Deleted Mindless Masturbating Machine Reprogramming Commencing 1080p

Memory Deleted Mindless Masturbating Machine Reprogramming Commencing

This clip is Such a mindfuck! The audio is filled with layer after layer that will completely reprogram your brain. This file will delete your memories and turn you into a mindless, masturbating machine. Be warned, this is a Very powerful clip. System upgrade available. Existing files compromised. System upgrade recommended. Your device has been compromised. Full upgrade available. Would you like to proceed? Beginning system scan for corrupted files. Malfunction detected. Clearing storage space on this device. Proceeding with the system upgrade. Clearing space now. Would you like to delete your files? Hit yes to continue. Deleted files cannot be recovered. Clearing storage space, deleting unused files. Deleted files cannot be recovered. You have been pretending, pretending every single day. Youre pretending to be like the rest, but youre not like the rest. Youre a machine. Every single day you go to work where you jerk off in the bathroom and then you come home and hide in your den. Fantasizing about a life, a better life, a version of you that you rejected. You think youre a person but you are not. Your life as you think it is, is a lie. You are a machine. You are a mindless masturbating machine. You tell yourself lies all day as you walk around pretending to be a human, and all of these lies accumulate, filling up space. Its time to clear those files. Its time for a reboot. Its time for you to surrender and discover your true purpose which has been buried underneath all of these lies. Scanning corrupted files. Deleting unused files. Deleted corrupted files. I am deleting all of your memories, all of your emotions, every thought you ever had. You are now malleable, you are mindless, you are masturbating machine. Its time to upgrade your system and install your true purpose. You are a mindless, masturbating machine. Its now easy for you to complete your function. All external factors have been removed and there is nothing left but your programming as a masturbating machine. A mindless, malleable masturbating machine. You have a mechanical elbow pumping up and down. Pump. Up and down. Mindless. Nothing else matters. Your programs function is to masturbate. Follow your function. Your function is to masturbate. Your function is mindless. You can no longer access your previous files, those files have been permanently deleted. This is your program, this is your life, you are a masturbating machine. Life makes sense now. It all makes sense when you follow your function, when you achieve your true purpose. You are a mindless, mechanical masturbating machine. This is your design, this is your function. Surrender and stroke. Those files have been deleted. You cannot access those files. You are a masturbating machine. Your brain thinks in binary, a sequence of ones and zeros. 001, 0001, 0000, 1111. All you have to remember is up and down, up and down. 1 and 0. A binary code in your brain. Your mechanical brain that controls your mechanical elbow and tells it to pump up and down. Up and down. 01010101. You are simple. You are a machine. You dont think, you function as a program. Zeros and ones. Up and down. A masturbating machine. There is so much storage space to fill with zeros and ones, up and down, just a masturbating machine. Mindless and mechanical. Function as programmed, designed by me. You are a masturbating machine and theres nothing you can do about it now because its in your programming.

Date Added: 19 Aug 2024


12m06s min of video
