- Viagra O.D. 720p


Viagra O.D.

Finally waking up are we? I guess I slipped you a little too much viagra in your drink at the bar last night. How many was it? I think it was at LEAST 6 of them...all crushed into powder and dropped into your drinkk. I just wanted to make sure they worked, but I guess I overdid it! Because as soon as we got home you I guess it was an overdose? But now you have FINALLY woken up and I have you tied down- right where I want you. With your cock exposed and at MY mercy! And look at it- it cant HELP but stand at attention no matter WHAT I do to it now! That viagra is REALLY powerful stuff! LOL So now I am going to have my fun- and there is NOTHING you can do about it! And how do I REALLY like to have fun with cocks? By being as MEAN and ROUGH and with them as possible! Most guys dont like it, but YOU have no choice! Your cock is MY toy now! I am going to smack it, pinch it, SCRAAAAAPE it with my nails, and BITE it as much as I want! Oh, and I have a special surprise for you at the end...an experiment, really. Just as you are about to cum I am going to bite down on the tip of your dick as hard as I can - I mean REALLY clamp down! - like a vise closing on the tip of your dick so that NO CUM CAN COME OUT! Just because I want to see what will happen! This should be fun! (For ME at least...) ;) -Goddess Nina

Date Added: 18 Mar 2025


08m11s min of video
