- Interactive Virgin Forever Test 1080p
Interactive Virgin Forever Test
There are a lot of femdom clips that taunt you about the fact you’ll be a virgin FOREVER, but just how likely is this? Let’s find out! I’ve devised a multi-level quiz that will see you add points to a score that will give you a percentage likelihood that you’ll just never get your dick wet. Virgins are my favorite, and I have a lot of experience interacting with you guys, so I know just what to ask to get to the core of how sexless you’re likely to remain. To make this even more cruel…I mean…interesting…I’m going to have you try to edge for every slice of patheticness you qualify for. So really, even if you’re never going to get laid, at least you’ll have fun today with your virtual girlfriend. And let’s face it…even if you did stand a chance at hot sex…here is always where you’d rather be, pumping, edging, and gooning for Miss Lix.
Date Added: 22 Apr 2024
|25m19s min of video
|- Featuring:
- London Lix
- Categories: Videos JOI Masturbation Instruction