- Your Meaningless Life 1080p
Your Meaningless Life
Take a good look at your life. What accomplishments do you have? What have you done that you feel really good about, something you would want to tell other people about. Would you have something to say or something to be proud of? I bet you don't have anything to be proud of. Its kind of sad to look back on your life and know your life is meaningless. You aren't even equal to those around you. You have NOTHING. Doesn't that suck? If you were to disappear tomorrow there would be nothing left behind of you. Your memory would not be carried on. Your whole life is worthless. What could you possibly do to fix something like this? I am not overjoyed when I see your sales emails, your emails, or your tweets to me. The ONE thing you have done right was to come to me and buy my videos. It is the one thing that has made your life worth living. You have bought my videos. Submitted to me. You cannot tell other people about me being the one good thing you have done, but you will think it. You will feel it. Just think, every time you buy a video you make my life better and that's what counts.
Date Added: 15 May 2024
|07m08s min of video
|- Featuring:
- Jessi Belle