- Slave On Lockdown 1080p
Slave On Lockdown
**Prepare for a risky jerk session** In these current times, avoiding the wife is extra hard, but that's no excuse or valid reason to ever try and act like an unowned, real man. Work on your headache skills, fake being ill, think of all the excuses because during this lockdown period where you'll be trapped with your wife, there's no changing your pussy free, owned loser lifestyle. Im still in your home, I'm still on your screen. In fact more than ever and your cum goes where i tell you to put it. Just like to today. Toilet trips are going to be a regular thing, real self isolation whilst you compete your lost duties. YOU CUM FOR ME ONLY.
Date Added: 20 May 2024
|09m27s min of video
|- Featuring:
- Lady Nina