- Equine Transformation 2160p

Equine Transformation

You wake up in my stable block, stripped naked and chained up.But that's soon where you'll belong. You've already been here a couple of weeks slowly being transformed. First you lost the ability to speak, then you lost the ability to walk like a human, dropping to all fours and crawling around, you've even started dedicating all over the floor like the beast you're turning into.In fact the transformation is almost complete...but transformation into what? My new breeding stallion of course! Once changed you'll be spending your life fucking in fields. How nice.But first to get you there.I see talking about your new life has made you aroused, even though any signs of excitement will just get those veins pumping harder and make the change happen quicker... you cant help yourself. You're overcome by lust.Very well, if you want to speed up the process, I'll help you! Pulling on a pair of long, shoulder length veterinary gloves the milking begins. By jerking and pumping were eradicating your personality, eradicating anything you have left that makes you human.Will you be able to resist.... or will you succumb to being transformed into my equine and that life of fucking?

Date Added: 06 Jun 2024


10m18s min of video
