- You Work For Me 1080p

You Work For Me

Are you bored at work? I'm sure you are. You're stuck in the grind of go to work to make money to spend money, aren't you? I know you think you're working for a better life. You think you're working to buy more things, save for retirement or spend on your loved ones. But that's not why you're working. You're working for me. You're working so you have extra cash to spend on me. You're striving for raises and bonuses so you can send them to me. That's the truth of the matter. How else am I going to go on lavish vacations and pay my employees if you aren't working your hardest and sending me all of your paycheck? Exactly. So, get back to work. You've got a lot of work to do.

Date Added: 15 Jul 2024


08m53s min of video
